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Journal medizinischegenetik

The journal "medizinischegenetik" serves the purpose of professional training and continuing education among colleagues, as well as the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge in all fields of human genetics, from basic research to clinical practice.

Each issue of the quarterly journal focuses on a current topic in human genetics. Scientific review articles provide an overview of the latest developments on the respective topic. The coordination of each thematic focus is managed by experts who are internationally recognized in the field. All review articles are written in English, creating a platform for international knowledge exchange. All articles in the thematic sections are freely accessible (Open Access).

Current issue

The journal "medizinischegenetik" also includes - in its German-language section - information about activities within the field. This includes conference reports, association announcements, personnel news, statements, and guidelines. By addressing health policy topics, historical retrospectives, and commentary on current developments, the profession takes a stand on issues related to human genetics in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

The journal has been published by De Gruyter since 2020 (www.degruyter.com). All articles from the thematic sections starting with issue 1/2017 are freely accessible on the publisher's homepage under "medizinischegenetik".

"medizinischegenetik" is the official publication of the German Society of Human Genetics (GfH), the Austrian Society of Human Genetics (ÖGH), the Swiss Society of Medical Genetics (SGMG), and the Professional Association of German Human Geneticists (BVDH).

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